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Why do you want to study in the USA

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Why do you want to study in the USA? – the question

which looks easy but which is not easy at all. The more I

think about the answer, the more difficult it seems to me. Of

course, someone may say that if you want to be successful in

your life, you have to know more places than only your

hometown. You must travel a lot, you must meet people, get to

know their style of life, their language, customs. It sounds

interesting, it sounds exciting – but what are the particular

reasons which led me to my dream about studying in the USA?

I cannot say which is the most important but I will try to

meantion them all.

My house where I live is in a small town. Life there is

often rather boring and stereotyped. Occasionally you can see

a theatre group or a singer. You can go to the swimming pool

which is quite small here. Sometimes you can go to the cinema

or to the club but almost everything comes to Svitavy late

and you must be carefull because theatre plays, films,

singers, actors can be away before you get a chance to see

them. This is probably the main, but not the only reason why

I want to leave my native town.

Another reason is more prosaic – money. I think that it

is usually easier for educated people to get a nice,

interesting job and earn good money than for less educated.

There are a few exceptions of course, like doctors in state

hospitals do really hard and useful work all the time but their

salaries are poor in comparison with „simple“ shop assistants

or waiters. I really do not want to depreciate their jobs but I

mean if doctors disappeared, many old and ill people would

die and if waiters or shop assistants went away, almost

nothing would happen. This is one of the problems of our

economic situation and nobody seems to be able to do

anything about it. I know it is not easy but I am an optimist

and I hope that one day education will be paid.

Next reason is, in fact, connected with the previous one.

Commanding foreign languages is a part of good education.

People who are able to speak more than one language have

better opportunities to get a job. The situation is not easy

now but I hope that in a few years young people of my

generation will have more job opportunities or hopefully the

economic situation will change. It is possible that the next

generation will be smarter and richer. I cannot say that

today‘s people are not smart. But they must still learn and


I have already written about learning and about how

much important foreign languages are for getting a good job.

The fourth reason why I would love to live and study in the

USA for a while is more connected with the present. Next year

I am going to graduate from a high school and I will take the

school-leaving exam. English is also a part of the exam. Good

results at the exam will help me to enter a university

I want to learn to speak English very well as I have already

written . Not all teachers I have had are people who live for

teaching others. Not all of them were able to take me up, not

many I will remember for a long long time. But fortunatelly I

have had good English teachers who helped me to find my way

to this language and who showed me how interesting studying

languages may be. Thanks to them I realized how travelling

abroad and being in foreign countries might enrich me.

I like getting to know new people and it would be a good

chance for making many friends. I like talking to people who

saw many things, who often travel and are funny. I am always

in a good mood when I am with them and learn about their

memories. I do not like being alone. When I am in a trouble

they can help me and they never dissapoint me.

I think that studying in the USA, and abroad in general,

is interesting for everyone. You can get new experience and

you can come back more well-read and more self-confident –

not only in a foreign language but in life itself.